
ARe we gonna just gloss over he did the SAME THING with Shannahan when he got into it with RGIII.

His deal reportedly gives him final say on such things as all roster matters.

I have no idea about his skills as a GM but McCloughan is a top talent evaluater and it stupid to undermine him when he’s doing well.

Ahh the memories this article brings back. Good times! (Hey I know they aren’t going to be the best on the field. But they can be the best at fucking up off the field!)

Question: when presented simultaneously with Snyder’s penis, and Van Pelt’s penis, which one does Sheehan suck first? Do you think he goes for both? Are they both okay with him having both in his mouth at once?

Weird seems to be “normal” around my beloved football team these days for the last 20 years.

There’s literally nothing to support the claims he’s back on the sauce aside from Cooley implying it. Nothing. It pisses me off to no end and as someone who’s been following the saga/listening to Cooley & Kevin each morning it’s clear to me they’re the Skins mouthpiece for this issue. A while back when Cooley implied

“But...the guy is usually spot-on with his takes about what is happening, both on and off the field.”

No, I unfortunately suspect the aforementioned reason is true. That said, it doesn’t discount that Cooley has turned into a complete weirdo/conspiracy theorist and a paid shill for an awful organization.

Also, if by some miracle they are pushing McCloughan out because he is actually drinking again, then I’m still blaming Bruce Allen and Snyder because they’re the idiots that hired an alcoholic to run the team.

As a Washingtonian native, I’ve greatly enjoyed Chris Cooley’s decline from “former fan favorite” to “DC Sports Alex Jones”

‘Allen should stick to payroll and leave the scouting up to people who know what they’re doing.’

Well Allen’s an idiot, then. McCloughn is too valuable in terms of talent acquisition to just throw under the bus like this. Fuckin’ baby his ass and keep him on the payroll and involved until you can get him help and get him sober. They’re going to smear him and then jettison him, and then they will have nobody to

The more Redskins drama, the more the DC Sports media stays fixated, and the Caps and Wizards can fly under the radar, and make deep postseason runs...

Washington is going to try a new offences, it’s called “no good players”, a lot of the play book is how to deal with a third and long.

Yeah, that’s a far worse example of dumb Euro-aping than DC United. That at least makes a kind of sense (and it’s not as if United hasn’t been used throughout the world by this point.)

How could you bring up the fact that America is trying to steal Europe’s footy culture without the history and not bring up Real Salt Lake (the official team of the king of Utah, I guess?).

It’s like these assholes don’t get that keeping out some of the best players of all time actually lowers the prestige and credibility of the HoF. Like, how do you argue the HoF is any more of a meaningful honor than high school class president if 2 of the best 3 receivers ever aren’t even in it?

If you want to feel foolish about bitching about who is and isn’t in the Hall of Fame, remember this: Art Fucking Monk is in. The Pro Football Hall of Fame is bullshit.

Let’s see, on one hand TO and Moss were “not nice teammates”, on the other Marvin Harrison may or may not have actually killed someone, hmmm....