
Rally lights, rally wheels, $600, and in New Hampshire. What could go wrong?

Here’s another example: If a baby falls off a subway platform, and the next train is 2 minutes away, do you wait for a trained professional? Or just go get the kid?

I would like to see what the worlds safest suv, an XC90, would look like in the place of the Tahoe. Test away Volvo!

With the direction BMW prices are headed these days, this is either a smoking deal from someone who is clueless on the market OR something will be seriously wrong with the car on closer inspection. I’m going with the former.

If I recall, these things were stupidly easy to work on. Like easier then a Beetle. An engine swap should be pretty easy, even for a first-time, shade tree hobbyist. Not like you have to deal with funky wiring harnesses.

Yeah, didn’t notice that until after I posted this. Then again, Carfax can tell you the ownership. And realistically, you don’t get to 300k+ miles on an M3 with a Jiffy Lube maintenance plan! Still a NP in my book.


It amazes me that anyone is shocked that a multi-billion dollar corporation would cheat and lie to the public and governments.

I 100% agree. Just giving the driver some benefit of doubt, and how this could have been any of us armchair drivers.

In Jersey, you have approximately half a second to get moving when the light turns green. After that, the honking starts.

Light also just turned green (based on the cop that got hit going after a red-light runner), so not at all uncommon for unattentive drivers to not be moving. Also, if you look at the angle, the cop turns on his lights almost as soon as the Camry’s line of sight in that direction is blocked by 2 tall vehicles.

Totally not my thing. I’m sure it drives like a barge, like most Detroit iron from the 80's.

Using the Haggerty “Blue-book” tool from yesterday’s M5 post (how did I ever not know this was a thing??), this car in “good” condition averages $13500. So this seller is right on point - almost like he used the same tool to price his car. Hmm.

I see less rust then on a 5-year old Subaru. Plus, if I recall, those engine swaps are really straight forward, so no “someone else’s project” issues here.

Nope. Not having a covered garage right now, and a gravel driveway, I want to spend as little time under the car as possible.

Agreed. If it were a wagon (I’m in the market right now), I’d be calling the guy to see how much he’d budge. 185k is pretty average for that car/year (probably way below avg for LA!) I would bite at 5k in that case.

I hear you guys, which is why I’m eyeing one as my next car (as opposed to the official car of NE, Subaru).

I live in New England. Plastic rusts up here!

Clean, and rust free. That is a hard to find factory configuration. But I’m still going to say CP due to the mileage. I’m shopping for wagon versions of these now, and $4-5k is a more reasonable figure from what I’ve seen.

Always amazed by this whole different world out there! I can’t imagine ever having $100k to invest, and if I did, it probably wouldn’t get invested. Of course, that’s probably reason #1 I’m still a commoner!