
Actually, upon review, the one unique jewel in the crown that everyone missed is the ILM “EmpireFlex” effects camera.
Expect bids of $100-300,000.
I, and many others would kill for that piece of cinema history.

WOW. That’s...that’s it. We are done here!

Robocop’s costume, eh?

Fuck that. If you don’t accept credit, you are not getting my business. If you don’t inform me beforehand you don’t accept credit, you’re going to have to come up for a way for me to pay you because I don’t carry more than twenty dollars. And if that happens, I will never frequent your business again and I will leave

Her family members that she is being placed with are not relative strangers. She considers them family. They visited her (on their own dime, from Utah) once a month, and Skype with her every week. That foster family purposefully and selfishly created a traumatic situation where they could have been following the law

Seriously, read some of the source links, the foster parents are assholes. They love her, I’m sure, but they’re being assholes and are actively keeping her from family that always wanted to keep her.

Or maybe it was cruel of the foster parents to keep her for all these years fighting a custody battle they could never win because under the law they have never had any legal leg to stand on.

We should hold all these people underwater and take selfies with them while they drown.

What do I mean by who am I?