Suspenders few

“Pull your app and say it’s due to an internal ethical debate you’re experiencing and we’ll pay you double what you would’ve made with it because we’ll lose 10 times that amount in ad revenue if you don't”

“There’s no strategy, except for the strategy.”

“Basically, the idea is this. Kylo Ren, over the course of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and maybe beyond, is trying to either clone, or resurrect, Darth Vader.”

I don’t disagree with any of your statements, but it’s better for a potential rapist to release his sick rapist desires on a robot, rather than an actual person.

lol, I realized after I should have just said vibrator.

Whoa, this thread took quite the turn. But interesting topic of discussion - people role-play such scenarios all the time. I thought this article was going to be about consent as well.

your assumption that this individual is not, based on the fact that they disagree with you, speaks volumes.

Why the hell is the desire to fuck with people’s sex lives ALWAYS on the table?

Are YOU going to fuck a robot? No? Then mind your own god damned business and let people put their penises and vaginas wherever they want. As long as it’s consensual.

I thought we all knew this. Isn’t this was why women disparage each other most aggressively for promiscuity? I mean, if you have something society deems to be of value, you’re not gonna take kindly to competition driving down the value.

I was going to respond and get banned, but I’ll skip that for now and just point out (like everyone else) that women are the gateway to sex, and they don’t want competition from robots (or prostitutes for that matter) as it lowers their control.

I’ll give you my sex robot when you pry her cold, dead hands from around my neck.

I think this argument falls along a similar vein to arguments about violent video games. We probably all agree that violence is a bad thing; and that its a part of our intrinsic nature as humans that we’d like to move away from. How many times have we heard the argument that indulging in a violent fantasy world would

“The development of sex robots and the ideas to support their production show the immense horrors still present in the world of prostitution which is built on the “perceived” inferiority of women and children and therefore justifies their uses as sex objects.”

Let it be known that it is currently more socially

hey, this franchise exists on wild fan theory, not saying I am right, just saying “Heck, it’s fun thinking about it.”

Compared 1:1, ME has way more satisfying combat. At least the shooting made you actively participate in the moment to moment rush of fighting. In DAI you could stand back and just hit a button now and then and everything auto attacked. UGH.

So what you’re saying is, Zygarde breathes through its skin so that’s why it looks like a dog? I gotcha.

Man, I grew to hate the combat in DAI. It played like a slower, less dynamic Diablo 3. The moment I picked a ranger and realized I couldn’t aim my own arrows, I should have known I was in for disappointment. I thought it would be Mass Effect 3 with swords and bows. It was just standing around holding a button while

> As a player, all you can do is make a deck that gives you the best opportunity to win and hope things break your way during the majority of games.

Isn’t this the entire basis of all CCGs?

lol nice :D