Suspenders few

I dunno guys, I mean Harley is a fan favorite and I think she’s great, but she’s totes a henchwoman. Bummer that her DLC is short and simple. Just this: that she henches for the Scarecrow and doesn’t drum up her own plans isn’t super out of character. She’s a henchwoman. She tends to hench. I wouldn't chalk that up as

Oh wait is that not how he’s doing it? I mean, I guess it's not carved out of a literal stack but idk how you could accomplish the effect with a single card...

Interesting point of view. I can see someone who loves these objecting to their destruction from an emotional point of view - I guess i’d feel the same about destroying old computer hardware for art. I don’t feel the same way in this case, though — they’re his cards, he can do what he likes with them, and I think he

November’s not crowded anymore. For me, anyways. I'm fully on board the Bethesda hype train. I never really got off of it after Skyrim. ... (I never really stopped playing Skyrim...)

Dude I would buy Shadow of the Colossus again. These guys sure took their sweet time but Team Ico is the good guys. They can release on whatever hardware they want.

Wow, that’s horrendous. Accurate, but man what a giant oversight.

Wait you mean they drum up pointless controversy that confirms their audiences prejudice?

Best write-up of this episode I've seen on Gawker so far. Was not expecting Jezebel to have the most even-keeled response out of the bunch. Spot on.

Sansa’s plot in the books, after being rescued by Littlefinger, is to babysit Sweetrobin. You may not like where this is going, but it is significantly more interesting than a season or two of babysitting Sweetrobin.

But... this does advance Sansa’s plot. The central question of Sansa’s story has always been, which of the many monsters of Westeros will claim her maidenhead. You don’t like the outcome, I get that, but now there’s an outcome. For the entire length of the show Sansa’s plot has been, “please don’t make me marry the

A) There were no tits in this episode.

Well, it accomplished... The consummation of their marriage? With a witness. I mean they specifically say “remember that time you married a different guy but it totally didn’t count because he wouldn’t rape you?” I mean, Ramsay’s evil but he’s not doing it for no reason. He spells out his reasoning to her. Technically

I think people are just starting to understand what the show has always been. The show is Ramsay. We’re Sansa.

I hate to harsh y’alls sanctimonious buzz, but if you watch closely, he’s clearly just adjusting her suspenders.

Watch it again! He’s adjusting her suspenders you pervs.