Altar Alter

Wes Anderson and Bill Murray. Both like being eccentric and absurdist so they play nice together. Also Wes Anderson and Jason Schwartzman. And also Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson. 

Even in a cartoon, someone like Hank being oppressed in some exotic land is exactly the kind of toxic online strawman that is morally reprehensible for a studio to turn that into a motion picture in 2022.”

AV Club is pathologically horny for Dave Chappelle at this point. I wonder if they ever consider how much free promotion they’re giving him.

To a non-super hero fan like myself, her costume looks no different from any other in the genre.  I’m not getting the criticism either.

I’m not an evil person.

Agreed. She’s a bombshell, but taking a step back, the overall image of this is cover terrible. The horse is a strange CGI creation, the basic black background is just an empty void, and composition of the whole thing reeks of cheap photoshop. There were probably a thousand different cover scenarios that could have

weird life my guy but whatever gets you out of bed.

Met your quota for the day?

Lot of pro-lifers in red states are in for a nasty surprise when they or their spouses have an ectopic pregnancy or miscarry and they won’t be able to find a doctor to treat them because said treatment is clinically indistinguishable from abortion. Or hey, maybe they’ll struggle to conceive and to want to try IVF,

He is a rapist, though. Can we agree on that?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not hanging around this truckstop parking lot for nothing. 

And yet my spec script of “Gary the ‘Gater ,Olympic crazy Ice Skater” cant get a buyer.

So basically, Rick and Morty’s Mr. Poopybutthole in Simpsons form. Got it. 

I’ve got my fingers crossed that Jack Black will do something interesting but I’m totally fine with basically Rogen’s speaking for for Donkey Kong, that works for me. Rogen’s voice is already cartoonish and I think it works for Kong.

Someone you know, maybe even someone you love, may be secretly struggling with being Italian. Think before you speak hate. 

Good thing other countries don't have pro wrestling.

Some random Macca observations:

I don’t think comedians have to self-censor, but audiences are also entitled to expressing themselves.

I agree with him about Chappelle. Its one thing to make one off jokes on stuff like that, comedy can get boring if its too safe. Edgy is good. But Chappelle seems fixated on the topic now. Move on, dude.