Its funny, that’s about the only casting choice that makes sense to me, that and Luigi. Donkey is a surfing Gorilla, Rogen is a gruff voiced stoner. Works for me.
Its funny, that’s about the only casting choice that makes sense to me, that and Luigi. Donkey is a surfing Gorilla, Rogen is a gruff voiced stoner. Works for me.
Its funny he got that reputation because of the extensive experimentation on so many of his songs (which he would later say was Paul trying to sabotage them), but aside from Revolution 9, there’s not much avant garde in Lennon’s repertoire. Most of his post Beatles stuff is very by the numbers pop/rock.
It's usually fine when one white person plays another
I’m reading this article and thinking, “people are struggling with this? Am I a genius?” I feel like I just walked out of the theatre after Inception again.
Commute? Ok boomer
Seems like you're the only one that thinks it's an issue.
Ironically, that’s a pretty ageist comment you’ve just made.
It barely registers as an insult, period. This is a manufactured feel-good piece. Celeb says something hardly offensive to anyone on the planet and makes a fuss apologizing for it. It’s a brilliant play.
Not to mention they've already made a unique space story in the past. I think it's fun that we get to see the inspiration for the Lightyear toy, since we got to see the tv show Woody is from in the second movie.
I think just the opposite, most people enjoyed the homage. I can’t imagine people piling on Tarantino for doing the exact same thing in literally every film he’s made the way they have for this film.
Man, you guys really hated this pretty decent, simple movie for no valid reason, huh?
I had a job like that. The worst part was losing the respect of customers who realize you’re just trying to sell to them, and losing respect for any customer who would actually sign up for a deoartment store credit card.
It says right there in the article what his real name is.
Couldn’t have expanded a bit on “American Psycho is a lesbian film”?
Kyle Mooney has produced a few weird, wonderful things, but they’re an acquired taste. I really enjoyed Brigsby Bear and SMASH. I’d recommend giving them a shot if you haven’t. I see him succeeding moreso behind the scenes in the long term, though.
Thats essentially what they already have implemented. You pay for the amount of streams that can be used at once.
Also, this seems to imply she was voice acting on “Frazier”. Is that some zany, fray-zee-er animated version of Frasier?
Unlike your other reply, I don’t think Harry Styles has really been vital music for most of his career, and ignoring boy bands as an adult really isn't the worst crime against music. However, his newest album is quite groovy and worth a listen.
I hope it’s just a movie length version of the first Toy Story’s horror scene
If you’d had gender dysmorphia you certainly would have.