Yeesh, chill.
This album is another incredible Kendrick effort. The man can do no wrong.
All this aside, Bruce Greenwood is a terrible replacement for Roderick Usher. The role should be played by a decrepit old man, someone like Frank Langella, but less handsy
Ugh, that's exactly the angle you'd expect for an Amy Schumer character and it already sounds insufferable.
You should probably just watch search party then
And he turned down a more or less sure thing with SNL to take a chance on his friends
Pretty misogynist take. Very on brand.
Two of the biggest names in comedy were attacked in public while performing within a month's time. It's a little more significant than you're making it out to be.
This is really the main take away. Dave's said gross things. Applauding Dave's assault is gross.
Wow, a lot of fucking soft people that think violence is an acceptable response to words you don't like in the this thread.
At least she wasn’t involved in a beauty pageant with long severed roots to white supremacy when she was a teenager. If that was the case, Tatiana probably wouldn’t have been so objective in her article. Being part of a group that ruins the lives of ex members is obviously no big deal.
My favourite part about the new av club is the ads that start playing further down the page when you try to watch one of the embedded videos.
I listened to it while "young enough" to appreciate it. It's just a very, very boring album.
Would have been a good time to apologize for that Ellie Kemper hit piece you wrote.
Take care Gwen! I’ve been reading your pieces for years. I hope your career continues somewhere that respects its employees and readership a little better than this place.
So it will just be covering the events of the first season in a trial setting? That sounds incredibly lame.
I think Pops is referring to the unlikelihood of jazz loving Lisa being a Gaga fan (which I don’t necessarily agree with).
Shame on you for expecting the bare minimum
And a lot of those are at the expense of Dunn, which I now find uncomfortable to watch