Altar Alter

But the extent of this doesn’t seem to be someone who is berating staff or making unreasonable demands. This is an actor showing up late. While obviously that’s disrespectful, it seems like a stretch to say it’s ‘unsafe’, to paraphrase Ms. Theron. She's the one attacking her co-star by her own account. 

Yikes this exchange makes you look bad

Not quite the level of commentary or satire I'd expect from a drag queen or any post-secondary punk band but the instrumental was okay. 

The funny thing is that he’s been putting a lot of work into autonomous transport trucks, which will eventually put all of these truckers out of business.

Bush was more effective, because he surrounded himself with capable people. Trump was far more evil, but so inept he could never bring someone with any ability into his fold. 

Christ you've really cherry picked some nonsense there and then used a fucking Toronto Sun video that seems intent on flipping the context of what he actually said as proof. You are a very dumb person. 

This show had a bad case of sequelitis starting with season 2. They should have written a satisfying ending to season 3 and been done with it.

:'( single tear

Not to mention it introduced Anderson fucking .paak on drums. It was just as exciting as any of the other segments . The AV club seems to get dumber by the day.

Truly, this man made some of the most formative comedy of the 20th century. Every AV club commentor owes him a debt. Thanks Ivan. 


Telling that all but one of those tweets is from a white person. 

Don't feed the troll.

And even those in the know don’t really care about it

Clearly he’s not a vocal impersonator...

Are there people who could be handed a weed filled cigar and not immediately know it's not tobacco? Weak prank, Arnie

Theyre openly celebrating the sexual orientation in proximity of people they know will be bothered by it. But you knew that.

There is nothing more to this story than misguided cowards so afraid of a needle that 90% of the country has gotten that they’re taking time off work to protest keeping Canadians safe. These are people so upset about the economy hurting that they’ve decided to hurt it more in protest. There’s nothing more than idiocy

Which party is unmentioned? He clearly addresses both BILLIE and TRAV in his rant. Do you mean the asthmatic fan?

Is Kanye asking for alimony? He’s the richer of the two. By a lot.