I personally think May is the best girl, but... We all know Ash and Misty belong together.
I personally think May is the best girl, but... We all know Ash and Misty belong together.
Which would you recommend to someone, with more free time than hours in the day and equal interest in both genres they fall in?
Thank god for Jim.
Praise the sun, for Jim Sterling.
Sorry to hear that mate.
Try doing it with uncontrollable stick drift in both sticks.
FucKonami studios?
Will Snacktaku be testing these burgers?
Will blogs with men or women eating strange foods for review be a feature?
Hoe does this affect games on grenlight now? Or are making the transistion to early access?
Praise be to the lord, for Jin Fucking Sterling Son.
Ifrit Zenyatta X The Iris is hotter
Can you use your powers to cancel this game? The more I learn about D2, the more I consider it to be a spit in the face to people who had to pay exorbitant sums of cash for a game that ended up just saying “the real 10 year plan starts here”. Like it’s some order 1886 bastard spawn.
“Hey bob, it’s Phillip. I can’t come in to oppress people today, I’ve caught caucasian genocitdis. Looks like I’ll be out at least a week plus holiday.”
Name checks out
Man, between Destiny’s stupid balancing, Dark Souls 3 patch, and overwatch updates it feels like I’m getting new info every day.
This actually looks pretty cool.
Nothing would make me happier than having more terry crews in my life. He could become my side character after Zenyatta
Does an official japanese version, just with english subtitles exist for any of the games?
I feel like I can’t be a real pro zenyatta main without getting that achievement... but I’ve not been able to get it because it’s such a pain in the ass