Still not as embarrassing as the Falcon’s loss yesterday.
Still not as embarrassing as the Falcon’s loss yesterday.
I think this is one thing you could cause to be canceled Jason, and no one would do anything but carry you to Valhalla for.
I’m the exact opposite. Remember me is my leadt favorite game of all time
I’m the exact opposite. Remember me is my least favorite game of all time
Jason, was it announced that the Season Pass wouldn’t cover all the D.L.C? Because I looked in the store when the choco fest dropped and saw a few items that weren’t included in the pass (the car skins and weapons). I felt pretty ripped off to be honest.
The numbers that they’ve wanted us to reach for the past missions have been insane, and I personally don’t even remember the rewards being that great for hitting the big W. The secret here will probably be that Marshadow is locked behind completions of Global Missions, and we would’ve had it by now if the missions had…
In 2017 I expect for it be a lot easier for you to... switch games
Yeah. Pretty much.
Hey don’t knock it till you try it Fahey. That gentleman could be onto something. Maybe this is the avenue you need to expand Snacktaku’s budget. Maybe you could then turn your experiences into a lighthearted comedy movie called “Switched!” about a rowdy man who goes to kidnap a rich child to hold for ransom to save…
That’s some shady shit. I don’t buy from brick and mortar anymore, having replaced them with Amazon and just e-stores, but man... this makes me glad I have. Just makes me wonder what other secret orders these guys have lying in their backrooms. Then again, their primary cause for existence which was used games is…
I miss Nintendo Power. I lost a lot of my issues circa ‘09, but I still like to thumb through the ones I still have.
So they gimped Mankind Divided only to (maybe) cancel or delay the sequel for a few more years?
This is just an echoed sentiment, but it is exhausting to have a conversation with someone only for them to bring up the same “black on black” schtick to “totally invalidate your argument bro”.
Just by sheer volume, someone had to feel regret for committing digital suicide over one of their shitty tactics, be it asset flips, fake reviews or any of the other ways in which greenlight gremlins tried to swing across the pit of destruction by swinging their head in a noose.
if you haven’t read Kuzu No Honkai as a fan of the anime, you’re missing out. I think I’ve been with it since the beginning (Or at least damn near it). I’ve not watched it yet, but the manga is A-fucking-ok.
At least they aren’t playing pokemon go, amirite?
This is timely as I finally added this game to the library today when my email notified me it was on sale. I’ve died to that stupid gatling gull twice. I look forward to trying this gunception.
Yessir. Hence my reluctance to move on. I like all my pictures.
It’s one of the reasons I didn’t get too much into NG+ because I was frustrated that I couldn’t save some of my cool pictures.
What do you meme?? I’m sure the company will take this one on the chin. Just offer to pay them tree fiddy to get back into their good graces.