
Don’t think he disrespect the Country .Or is that what you want to take to help fit your narrative? I think its pretty clear what his motivation was and yet we’re still talking about the troops. As if that’s the ONLY thing the flag represents. I hope you’re taking this passion you have to the Government and let them

I like that...now take that same passion you have and make the Government do better by the Vets when they return home. Since we’re on the subject of Colin disrespecting the troops. Homeless, on drugs...I can go on and on...yet Colin is disrespectful?!?! ha! Funny. White america. ooooh White america.


Thank you sir. I say thank you because it seems America forgets how The Vets are treated once they return...yet We let the Government off the hook with that. LMFAO but we’re mad at Colin.

The lazy route is doing what doesn’t make White America uncomfortable.