wut? 0_o
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@waclark57: Unfortunately sometimes the other passengers are worse than the TSA gropings.

@Heilage: You need to see this through "american" eyes. For some of these people it's a very good alternative to scrape by with a GED and then land a cushy government job with benefits.

@Katinedinburgh: I didn't mean to insult all GED holders (or their equivalent). I'm certain people like you are more the exception than the rule.

@Walking Eye!: all it takes is one bad apple to spoil the barrel.

@waclark57: That may be the case but I still don't think he's "stable" enough to be armed in-air if he was willing to deflate a slide and create such drama over an argument.

@waclark57: That might not always work so well....

@Heilage: Would you expect much more from a bunch of high-school dropouts?

@The_Game21x: even if that does happen I can assure you that Giz readers will still be sexless....

@Super Chill English Bro: A man of this size doesn't have time to think about hipster fashion.....he's too busy planning his next (maybe even next few) meals.

@goaliegeek: I don't mean to burst your bubble, but(t)...

@goaliegeek: how much "protection" do you think that paper cover is providing you?

@truthtellah: lol - that's the philosoraptor. Do a google image search and try not to pee on yourself.

@CaptainJack: I picked up a Vibrant recently and my initial reaction was that it felt cheap...but I've gotten used to it and kinda like it now. Especially cause it doesn't "hurt" (me) as much when I drop it.