wut? 0_o

@anexanhume: Exactly. The most important part of the equation is the carrier's backhaul.

"confidence in the TSA"?

@JakeMG:Salsa Verde: I had the G2 for a week and returned it. I don't consider myself crazy for not wanting to keep a giant brick in my pocket that will probably snap in half at the hinges within 12 months :)

@Firebert: yea... A jalapeƱo $6 burger at 3am will do that to ya...

@Boomdiggity!: exactly why I didn't keep my Evo past it's 30-day period. Paying that $10 made me feel like a huge chump.

@Dr-Rockso: I think it was actually always called the iPhone4.

I ditched my AT&T iPhone4 for a T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant and I haven't looked back.

@Cow: So he has to make a re-election bid now?

@Harpsichord: The Nexus One didn't get the credit it should have. It was a "better iPhone" in every way. I'd still prefer it to my iPhone4, but t-mobile is actually worse than at&t in my area :/