
Actually yes. I wasn’t a fan of The New Temperance before this and now I am actively hostile. Take this full, icy-cold can of Diet Coke and shove it up your ass hole.


I used to have an FSA for a while and had no problem reimbursing condoms. No longer had the FSA when it came time to paying for Pillowchild’s diapers and wipes but I wonder if it would have still been as-seamless a process.

I have, very calmly and firmly, told my parents they can call and we’ll talk but we WILL NOT be doing The Thing they’ve been doing for several weeks now and make the sole topic of conversation the virus and how they’re stuck at home. I love my parents very much. We have no ‘outstanding issues’ from my youth or

Seriously, you guys never got the memo about Pivot to Video not actually being a good idea, huh?

Nope, you’re not doing the Pessimism Laddering right: We ALSO will never find a vaccine because covid mutates too fast. Got to close off EVERY avenue of even mild hope to do this right; stamp it ALL out, Stranger. Oh and don’t forget to include, “There’s no going back to normal after this.” Docking you points for

The new hotness from Facebook Aunts is that contractors’ vans with extra exterior locks to protect their tools from being stolen are actually sex- or organ-traffickers’ slave-transportation vehicles.

It reassures me how the National Review website these days is STUDDED with ads and clickbait and constant appeals for money. Those people wrote their own institutional obituary with that purple “Never Trump” issue in summer 2016 and now they are watching the cracked fish tank of money empty out for them. They’ll be

(Not particularly) fun fact: The Mongols never really bothered with siege warfare. Battering rams, ladders, siege towers: Nah, just wasn’t their style. They’d ride right past walled cities. *Except* they’d leave behind 50 or so guys to camp out in the hills and feast on abandoned cattle. Every time Turnip Guy came

Never get tired of posting: Killing people is illegal. Fucking people is not illegal. And yet the ratio of killing-people games to fucking-people games is about 9,000 to 1.

But it has an Asian gal in it, surely it MUST be good!

I hate star wars. 

Star wars movies all suck.

There is an actual, going Thing where if lots of people liked something then obviously you are required to as well. I think it’s called ‘religion.’

Everyone hated it but you. And the stat you’re about to cite about everyone liking it is wrong.

It’s not my fault that you’re wrong.

Of the three, all of them are equally shit and none is the best. In fact, there has never been a single good star wars film. All of them are bad. And they always will be no matter what they try.

It’s like when modern architects defend modern architecture. Presented with evidence of how much everyone but them hates it, then blame everyone but them.

I don’t care if I’m in the minority. It was a shit film.