
Everyone hated it but you. And the stat you’re about to cite about everyone liking it is wrong.

It’s not my fault that you’re wrong.

Of the three, all of them are equally shit and none is the best. In fact, there has never been a single good star wars film. All of them are bad. And they always will be no matter what they try.

It’s like when modern architects defend modern architecture. Presented with evidence of how much everyone but them hates it, then blame everyone but them.

I don’t care if I’m in the minority. It was a shit film. 


I lived with a bunch of vegans in college. Their attitude was, “Our cooking doesn’t have to be good, it’s vegan!”

No it isn’t.

It’s the laboring jowls that get to me. Dude is gonna Chew. His. Pizza.

C’mon, just ONE more delicious bat sandwich. What could the harm be?

There needs to be a huge, Interpol-esque effort to stop people from eating bush meat. Bush meat has now given us AIDS, this and probably a half-dozen other things. STOP EATING WILD ANIMALS, FUCKERS.

HIPAA is terrible and has stymied medic research and inflated the medical liability industry for decades.

I mean, I’m concerned by this but also reassured by my own experience that databases never actually work right. There will be some non-breaking space or uninterpretable delimiter like a semicolon or something in the wrong place and the entire thing will malfunction.

It’s a safe bet that everything Jared is involved with is either bad in it’s conception or will become bad because of his involvement, yes.

The answer is “a certain number.”

Why are you prejudiced against frost giants?!

He’s not white, he’s sort of a ruddy pink. Like uncooked hamburger.

 No One Cares About Your Bone(r) Broth

I *am* pleasantly delighted by how Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly have vanished from existence. I mean yeah they have private web shows now but time was, these guys were inescapable. O’Reilly was the like the third most-powerful man in America in like 2004 after Cheney and Bush.

Do it before. Then his beating will also count as a bath for him.