
She’s someone who would do a really good job as a cabinet secretary of Labor or HHS or HUD or being president of a law school but doesn’t really have a functioning set of political instincts and is sort of in the Senate because it’s a safe Democratic seat.

Klobuchar: The CEO of Away for president!

You’ve seen evidence that people just love detailed, realistic policy plans in politics? 

Here, here are 11 free copies of Anthem with which to wipe away your tears.

Oh you’ve heard about the Roller Coaster Tycoon game set in the EvE universe too?

That sounds like a good reason to *not* make an online shooter.


I got married and raised children.

There was a Titanfall 2?

Yes. Running around and shooting people with guns has been a neglected space in the game world for some time now. 

Their hats look really stupid.

Truly it is said: All we are is dust in the wind.

Those bastards! How dare they have an economic system that differs from our own!?

It’s too late for that sort of talk now, I’m afraid.

I’m afraid that’s no excuse.

These people brought us the Lion King live-action-but-no-not-actually-live-action movie.

I used to work in quality assurance for video games

Seventy-five years. We’ve had over seventy-five years of experience with trained animals in movies. Dogs, horses, elephants, lions. You name it. Like six seasons and 10 movies of Lassie.

Y’see I’m going to be contrarian about this and say that the double-crosses work and are necessary because they specifically prevent PotC 2 and 3 from becoming just rehashes of LotR or SW wearing pirate clothes: They supply the dramatic tension that otherwise would have to be filled in with set-piece events (like

Eh, okay so I’ve got a distorted sense of time. It sure *felt* like All the Big Series were coming to an end at the same time. And at least setting them all side-by-side, I like this one the best. Less leaden and horrible than RotS. With the common decency to be one film rather than 2 like HP. And with only one ending