
You’re just bitter because he used that apostrophe and there wasn’t any punctuation left for the end of your sentence.

Too late! I’m all about Hanzo and Alexstrasza now.

Betas and subs aren’t the same thing at all.

YES! This is what I wanted when the game came out.
I wanted to build the layout on my mobile game then import it into Fallout 4 and rule those bastards in full 3d.

Or automatically forward his calls to the Institute so they can round him up .

Even Blizzard is making better use out of Samus Aran than Nintendo.....

This is what we get for all those complaints about booth babes...

To be fair, 7 kind of belongs on Playstation.

New 2D or 3D Metroid. Fav this up peeps!!

I think most people want a Majora's Mask remake because of all the teasing of it. Ruby and Sapphire got teased forever and we knew it was coming.