
*Michael Jordan, doing the grizzly Robert Redford appreciative smile and nod gif*

Can’t tell if criticizing. It’s refreshing to hear her take. I think it’s crazy people are criticizing her for sharing something that we praise Jordan and Kobe for...

Wow - an athlete who has utilized a ‘me against the world’ mindset to maintain an incredibly long string of competitive excellence and elite athleticism... what a novel idea. 

Look we can debate LeBron all we want, but he's still never going to be as good at choosing money over taking a stand as Jordan was. #GOAT

Hey, Communist oppressors buys sneakers too. Who can blame him. At least Jordan was honest from the get go.

Or get rid of the last name altogether, and only call him “Doctor,” as if you were a drunk patient showing up in his ER at 3 AM and couldn’t be bothered to learn his name.

I would have gone a slightly different route. I’d agree to call him “doctor” but I’d tell him that his real last name will never, ever be used. He’d have to basically choose between maintaining our previous arrangement or constantly being referred to as “Dr. Feelgood,“Dr. Nick Riviera,” “Dr. Demento,” “Dr. Mengele,”

I’m an adult I should be able to call him Bob (or Dickhead) if I want. Do you agree?

i yikes’d so hard on that tweet. Talk about someone else being misinformed.

Today is the day Lebron matched Jordan. 

Many middle class people (Mid Level NBA talent analogs in this case) would gladly pay higher taxes if they were earmarked for things like public benefits, helping the poor, etc.. The NBA is in position to do something similar—take a financial hit so others can (potentially) gain some social equity—and the folks with

In the future please publish the full quote!

The temerity to say the fuckin’ league had “a bad week”. Try being a protester in Hong Kong, or a typhoon victim in Japan...or shit, a Kurd! 

LeBron does make a good point. I mean, did Morey even stop to consider the fact LeBron, Silver, and other NBA players and execs are going to need to tighten their belt? I mean, how can they afford another 20,000 sq-ft vacation home in the Bahamas if the Chinese government shuts down their revenue stream just because

Chinese people buy sneakers too.

“Could have waited a week to send it” - Lebron James

I think this defense is broadly right—but it still amounts to LeBron saying that the sensitivities of one of the world’s most brutal and repressive regimes should set boundaries on what people in the NBA say in public. Which is fuckin’ gross!

I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.

This is just fucking gross. Thats really all I can say about it.