
Give me a fucking break. I’m guessing that based on your passion for this bit of minutia, you are the “Jeff” that the article is about.

The first sentence literally describes him as Mormon.

Clearly Jeffs was merely picking himself up by his bootstraps. In no way was he leaching off the government’s tate, too lazy and millenial-like to go off and get a real job. Surely no one could call this upstanding, Morman, white guy a welfare queen.

I was thinking one mil for every year served....tax free.

If she was “hysterical”, I would say that Tom Cotton was testerical? Is that fair? *coughTomCottonisagianthumanshitstaincough*

This is my cynicism talking here...but isn’t the overall message here that “Nothing can stop a white man’s privilege to rule, not even gender?”

There has to be rules

The gun nuts are really going for a home run on this one. I’m sure they will be headed to be safe at home base. Let’s just hope they don’t throw us any curve balls.

To be fair, I do not think the Director of ICE is a very smart man and likely does not understand the fundamental difference between criminal and civil matters. Also, 10$ says he’s likely got an underage, ‘illegal’, hispanic, male, lover stashed away somewhere.

Tom Cotton is such a boot licker.

“Everybody is being so mean to me!”

Now playing

At least now we likely have a clue as to what happened to all those ladies who like to eat drywall.

Dear Capitalist Consumer Industries,

The irony is that a great many defense contractor employees typically end up being pretty far left on the spectrum... Speaking from direct experience here.

I don’t know much....but I know that Greg Abbott doesn’t have a leg to stand on and it’s time for him to roll on.

I just wonder.....is there just a vat of KY jelly by the door when you walk in, or does everyone have their own little travel bottle for circle jerks like this?

I just wonder, in situations like this, is there just a vat of KY jelly by the door when you walk in, or does everyone have their own little travel bottle for circle jerks like this?