
I honestly haven’t a clue. I do know that there are several distinct breeds of libertarians in the state. Some far right, some far left, some completely unhinged and they all butt heads with the state’s republican hegemony. I honestly do not know much about this particular fellow and had not be following his career,

Just last week a mayoral candidate in Meridian (not far from Jackson) was found dead of a “suicide”... Things are regressing quickly in MS. He was a white libertarian, which in Mississippi typically equates to gun toting whack job. They found bomb making supplies and a flame thrower in his home.

10$ says that this mayor is a guy who regularly repeats the phrase “We need less government in our lives...” un-ironically.

Yes. I’m not ‘men’s rights’ douche by any means, but testicles are freaking real... There is no excuse for being a dick and trying to go for the full 180 degree spread, but sometimes, a little extra room can mean the difference between suffering and not.

If you’re clappy and you know it take some meds! If you’re clappy and you know it take some meds! If you’re clappy and you know then your junk will surely sore it, if you’re clappy and you know it take your meds.

They say pearls before swine...either way, the world is his oyster.

widespread national hysteria

Pre-contamination is the biggest factor. Many pallets don’t keep a straightforward history. Often, regular Joe’s get a hold of pallets that have had toxic waste or diesel products or vague chem barrels stored on them at one time or another, and have zero clue about the contamination therein... Then, folks go to work

As a woodworker, I just have to say that people who build shit out of pallets are the fucking worst and should be shamed almost as much as the people who buy shit made out of pallets. STOP.

I gotta say.... I really enjoyed this series.. But I was pretty floored when I watched season three, episode seven and found that the crux of a short story I’d published a few years ago as the prologue to my novel, turned out to be the crucial plot point of that episode. I’m not claiming theft...just the weird

Just as a matter of point; a few weeks ago my wife was nearly run off the road (I-95) during an improper lane change by none other than HUD’s Ben Carson. She sped up to him after the fact and verified that it was actually Carson. She said he gave her the bird when they made eye contact. Just sayin.

I have come across scores of comments like the one you’ve cited. Occasionally, you find one that belongs to a teacher, who readily lists their school district as their employer. THOSE are the ones I regularly screen shot and send along. Teachers and military members (who are clearly violating the UCMJ).

The way you defeat terrorism is BY GIVING NO FUCKS. The point of terrorism is to inspire fear and division and paranoia. If you want to beat terrorism, you must not be a silly, bed wetting American. You have to have a stiff fucking upper lip and give no fucks.

I cannot wait to see the karmic backlash from all this MAGA horse shit. It will be epic....if we are all still alive to see it happen.

Frankly, I’m just surprised that these assholes are smart enough to tie a noose. We should take a look at YouTube and find out who has all the “How-To-Noose” videos and I’d wager we could start tracking down these clowns.

- Mike Pence 3517 BC