Würf Stoneborn

Except when we have to deal with the folks who refer to all of us as “Orientals”.

You and Unabashed Appliantologist make very valid points.

Yep how dare I for voting how I deemed appropriate! What a monster I am...That said I do wish you the best of luck with your asthma and access to healthcare

hahaha more salty libs. Thinking that us libertarians would have voted for her even if we hadn’t voted for Johnson. When will you understand that our votes would not have gone her way... trust me.

Couldn’t I say the exact same thing about you and “your party”? Also I am an independent.

You really going to demonize me because I liked neither Trump or Clinton and voted for the Libertarian ticket with the hope of expanding a two party system to add more alternatives? I understand you are demoralized with the results, but these sorts of tantrums and talking in absolutes that condemn people with

They would have anyway. They will ALWAYS say she’s unfit for office. The stupid part is that MALE presidents have been impeached and no one ever goes, “Welp, that’s it, no more men in office!”