
Just to clarify for those wondering why this is news: in all previous iPhone releases (the 3G, 3GS, and 4) AT&T has allowed all of its existing iPhone customers to upgrade early and pay only the lower upgrade pricing, even if their 2-year contract had not yet expired. This time (the 4S) they do not seem to be

Based on personal experience, if you take a lot of pictures with your phone, get it. I've had both the 3GS and the 4, and the camera on the latter is really excellent. I actually take most of my pics of my kid using my iPhone 4. The 4S is supposedly even better. As the saying goes: "The best camera is the one you

I haven't used it personally (I use LogMeIn free on my Mom's PC), but as I understand, Remote Assistance is meant specifically to do what this article is aiming for: remote troubleshooting. To request assistance, the person just needs to email a file or relate a code the helper.

Sounds pretty close to what I'm looking for. Thanks!

Is there such a thing as a data day pass for prepaid cell phones or modems?

If you only want to call 911, you don't even need minutes. All phones are required to be able to call 911, even if there's no SIM or voice plan.

Interesting. I switched to Pinboard when the whole Yahoo/Delicious debacle happened, but I may have to give Delicious a try again.

Google+ seems to be very popular with the tech journalists, probably for the reasons you listed, that it's like a blog with comments. But also because you're all using it. (and it's good)

But what happens in the "Law of Effect" if the behavior has neither positive nor negative consequences? "Being the better person" doesn't mean you act extra nice in the face of meanness; it means you don't respond to jerks by becoming a jerk.

I think a lot of people picked up a TouchPad in HP's firesale (my order is in the 6-8 week delivery timeframe from HP's SMB site), but while webOS is great, it is also greatly lacking in apps. I'm interested in this project so that when I get my TouchPad, I'll actually be able to run a greater variety of apps on it.

I just set the defaults for both:

I just installed it in VirtualBox and it's working fine for the most part (including networking and sound). I did not even install the guest additions drivers. I installed 32-bit Win8 on VBox 4.0.12. My host OS is 64-bit Win7. My only issue is that it freezes up every once in a while.

I agree. Starting a pull-up program was one of the best things I've done.

Vote: Camtasia

TBH I don't recall (it was ~5 months ago that I did this). I do recall that my laptop BIOS didn't have an option to set a particular hdd as the first boot option; so to get the new SSD to boot first, I had to physically swap their drive-bay positions.

I used this program when I upgraded my laptop to an SSD: Paragon Migrate OS to SSD. It lets you select which folders to exclude from the transfer, and even does the alignment, as well. It's not free, but i managed to to snag a free copy from Giveaway of the Day a while back.

Hmmm, sand + paint = saint?

I've been using my TI-85 for 17 years (man, that makes me feel old).

Google Reader + deal RSS feeds.

The thing I miss most on both the iOS version and the mobile website version is the ability to Share someone else's post, like the Google+ version of "retweet".