
I do something similar. I don't have any pot big enough to fully submerge a whole strand of spaghetti. So, I hold a bunch in both fists, break it in half, and then twist my fist as I drop it into the pot so that the strands separate into a spiral shape. This also reduces the contact points, so the strands are less

OMG! Whitson, I think you just made my day. I'm typing this comment on my iPad while watching TV on my Windows Media Center HTPC, so this tip is perfect for me!

1) Netflix

This is pretty cool.

Since you mentioned wanting a jailbreak app in your second paragraph, I'll assume that's an option for you (although not for the article) when I say the following:

Another related media sharing technology is DLNA.

add the following command line option to your chrome shortcut:

Paragon actually has a specific product for that, too, that's half the price of the full Drive Copy product: [www.paragon-software.com]

Also, the Shure one has been around since the original iPhone ([gizmodo.com] but the DIY is cheaper and more fun.

If you have Windows XP, some alternative free zoom tools are:

Nice timing! I just got an iPad a few days ago and have been trying to find a nice RSS reader for it.

I chose the third option, because Nike+ actually got me started, but it was not enough to help me make a habit out of exercising. It got old, and I fell off the boat again. But it did help me remember that I actually liked exercising. In the end, it was simply a personal commitment that made it a habit for me.

I've noticed this on my iPhone 4, too, and I also use the toggle-airplane-mode trick to fix it. If your iPhone is jailbroken, SBSettings makes it really quick & easy to toggle things on and off.

I understand the sentiment, but it's poorly structured (much like HTML was in its early incarnations before CSS and JS helped separate content, layout, and functionality).

If you want to test out, collaborate, or host, a single html file, there's also Mozilla's free [htmlpad.org]

What started off cynical on the first page, ended up being inspirational by the last page. I read it less as how to effectively use the gym (which I already know), and more as a story about a guy who made a positive change in his life through learning.

Another tip: The hotkeys for loading the magnifier and adjusting its magnification are Win + and Win - (hold the windows-key and tap the + or - keys). I actually find this really convenient, but if you triggered it on accident, that's why. ;)