
@Name of Numbers: MBNA was bought by Bank of America in 2005, and they haven't issued MBNA-branded cards for some time now. Some people do have existing ones from before (and shortly after) the aquisition, though. So, good to know.

My favorite TMP feature is the opposite one: Undo Close Tab (and the Closed Tabs list). I can't tell you how many times I've closed a tab, and then 30s later wish I hadn't. Undo Close Tab to the rescue!

For the science-curious out there, this works because of (or rather, as an example of) Henry's Law. In addition, if you want to make it the most effective, make sure the beverage is cold before carbonating; the solubility of a gas (CO2 in this case) in a liquid usually increases as the temperature decreases (which is

I would guess that this technique is harder to do with attractive people because they usually have more balanced features. I forget who it was, but I remember some cartoonist's remark that attractive people were the most difficult to caricaturize.

I use Genius Scan on my iPhone and just photograph the receipts that I know I'll need to keep later for whatever purpose (mostly classroom supply expenses). Then, I periodically send the file to Dropbox.

"...which defeats the purpose of a mobile phone"

"We'd love to see a feature that blacklists certain sites"

It's slightly different, but there is that app store by Intel, meant for Windows netbooks: AppUp.


It's not available on my account yet, either.

The move makes perfect sense to me, but a recurring fee, however small it is, adds up over time (which is the point of recurring fees). As much as I like Readability, it's not worth that price to me. I'll probably switch back to using Instapaper for article formatting.

I can see this being doubly important because of confirmation bias. Once the interviewer has that first impression, they try to prove their assessment correct, rather than trying to discover the real you.

VOTE: TimerTools

@EClaus: My Windows Media Center HTPC supports both (with plugins). There's a Microsoft-made WMC Netflix plugin, and you can access Hulu by installing Hulu Desktop along with a 3rd-party WMC Hulu integration plugin to launch it from within WMC. Works great, and everything is done via remote.

Although it's pretty easy to find a motherboard or video card with HDMI out these days, it's not absolutely necessary. As long as it has DVI out, you can use a DVI-HDMI adapter or cable. I do this, and it works just fine.

@j05hu4: Have you seen the Retina display in person? I have both a 3GS and a 4 and the difference in the screen resolution is like night and day. Marketing names aside, it really is a fantastic screen.

@krp1499: It's supposed to look like a blank page; it's a starting template. You can also left-click the link, then right-click the page and select "View Source" (IE) or "View Page Source" (Firefox) to see the code.

@Jpettit25: Installing Office 2011 does not overwrite or uninstall previous versions.

Office 2011 is also on TechNet. If you were going to buy Office for both Mac & PC or for more than 1 computer, a TechNet subscription is more cost-effective. (You also get copies of Window 7 for bootcamp installs, and more!)