
@Gotlactose: The Flixster app will let you manage your Netflix queue. It's a great all-around movie app, too. The only downside is the ads . . . I have to click "I hate cupcakes" every time I load the darn thing.

@OCEntertainment: Don't forget the one exception to your conclusion about avoiding Samsung and updates: the Nexus S.

Funny, I have the exact same speakers (they're amazing), and also use the subwoofer as a footrest under my desk. :)

I would miss the level playing field. Unlike almost any other publishing medium, the internet is a level playing field for innovation and expression. When it becomes filtered by content, it loses that advantage.

Out of the 21 Kindle books I have, only 2 are lendable.

What this recipe makes is laundry soap. Soap and detergent are not the same thing. (Warning: Science follows) A detergent replaces the anionic polar end of the soap molecule with something like alkylbenzenesulfonate, which prevents precipitates (soap scum) from hard water.

Am I the only one thinking that a bunch of these on your fingers would be awesome ninja-claw weapons?

Vote: ZumoCast

@wingrunr21: I have used Remote Potato on my W7MC box. I'm not really a fan of the Silverlight interface, but it works just as well as WebGuide.

@bobbo33: I know you hear horror stories on the web, but I've had almost no problems with my cable card tuners in my HTPC.

Love Inteligentsia coffee (although it's expensive so just an occassional treat), and I was always intrigued by those coffee devices on display. Thanks for the link.

The command-line email client Pine.

A misto is cheaper than a latte, and is basically the same except for using brewed coffee instead of espresso. I made this switch a few months ago.

If they had polled me, I would have rated my at&t service poorly for voice, but excellent for data (at least where I live).

It looks like, similar to the original Nexus One, this will only work on T-mobile for 3G data (AT&T uses different HSPA frequencies), even though you can buy one unlocked. Voice and EDGE data will still work if you throw in an AT&T sim card. I hope they eventually come with an AT&T compatible one, just like they did

I still think Moodle is a better choice. It has the same basic features, but you can install it on your own server, link accounts from an exchange server, install plug-ins, customize themes, do online quizzes with analytics, and it's free and open-source.

Ironically, I actually talked about this with a B&N rep who mentioned the new full-color Nook in the store. He told me that there would be some sort of moderated app store from B&N, but we both agreed that it would eventually be hacked and make a great general tablet.

I currently use Rainmeter, and it's taking up only about 7 Mb on my system.