
That already happens though. I recall something like that with Herbalife where Carl Icahn and a bunch of others pulled a squeeze on Bill Ackman a few years back.

Shorting a stock on its way down is not the same as doing so to a rising stock though, which I feel should stay legal.

How do you buy if no one’s selling though?

Unfortunately what I see happening is a lot of the rich investment banks will pull out before the peak and the average Joe who bought in just because it was rising will be left holding the bag.

Except that the ‘winners’ here are probably other hedge funds. Gamestop has a market cap of 23 BILLION. You’re delusional if you think some small time redditor investors are the main drive in this.

This post needs to be at the top.

Also need to buy and hold.

By “somebody” you mean an investment bank. It’s always a bank.

The main people getting rich off this is other rich people. Reddit is just a nice angle that makes people feel good.

Except that with the money involved it’s likely that Wall Street itself is the main culprit behind this. The reddit angle is just a nice side-story.

Ban speculation first.

Oh please, so people should be allowed to inflate stocks but aren’t allowed to bet on them being overpriced? What kind of logic is that?

Oh sure, delete your “tittie” comment like a fucking coward. You that afraid of a spelling joke?

Some people “don’t care” so much that they come here leaving comments. :D

I assume your Freudian slip was entirely accidental.

You’d need tariffs on almost the whole world for that to happen. There are a lot of countries that have cheaper manufacturing costs.

This shitty update freezes my controls and Eivor ends up in her idle animation.

So which digital store takes the biggest cut from developers? I wanna buy from them.

The trailer is basically FFIX with random disjointed lines.

LOL that ending.