
Danes, is that you?

Wait. What? They had a direct shot to the boy does he look familiar OBL guy. They didn't need to shoot Saul, but yeah, he would have been shot by OBL's men.

Isn't anyone with a brain? This show stopped being good a long time ago.

>>>>>Saul would’ve wanted her to take the shot, right?

If I lived in a kitchen that bleak, I'd be drinking wine with dinner instead of coffee.

Well, I don't usually watch SNL but I did stick around for the stuffing of the stupid ebola b**** in Maine, they were spot on with that. Christie was almost funny too, but the guy doing him was from hunger.

This show is still on the air?

>>>>>>>a TV show that nobody really cared about is being made into a movie. Magic City went out with a shrug last summer,

Jon Stewart.

"…real politics."

Ugh. Very sad. His game show blows goats. So embarrassing.

Unless it's too involved, why is the ambassador's husband being blackmailed? Thanks.

Men do that all the time.

>>>>Aayan is annoying and has only one expression; petulant/whiny.

>>>>>>PIGS IN SPACE!!!

>>>>I was even more repelled with her come-on to him than I was with the cannibals munching on Bob's leg on The Walking Dead.

Wow, you are generous.

Thanks for the warning.

I don't know who this woman is, and I wouldn't watch her show, but that bit she is doing in the adverts about getting washed in a sink is quite inspired.

LOL, I made it through True Detective, I probably can.