
I agree.

Oh! I didn't realize - I thought the entire show was his.

Just like In-N-Out is about burgers.

Holy crap, you're serious. I never know when anyone is serious here, but you're serious! So now McDonald's is socially conscious and we should eat their artery clogging food to show we, um, don't hate, but love?

I never watched Twin Peaks, if it is as spooky as Mulholland Drive and Eraserhead, I'm not sure I could watch it.

Until the amazing Transparent comes back, be sure to check out the equally amazing Alpha House. John Goodman is wonderful.

>>>>>>>>>>Never seen the modern liberal Jewish experience represented quite so well in audio/visual form

So is this show.

When so much of the viewing audience is made up of moronic Americans?

Logic didn't even matter to me, CallofDoobie, I just flat out didn't like the show or the last season or the finale. I watched it early on, gave up, caught Richard's death, which was well done, but Buscemi was ill cast from the get go as the protagonist.

Katie, I think you should explain that your entire paragraph is a pun.

Nope. SFU, no contest.


Ah, so that is why IFC and Sundance now suck, chock-a-block with more commercials than show. Didn't know AMC was behind the fuck up.

So you all haven't SEEN Broadchurch? You really don't know how this all ends?

Yeah, it is.

The money was the pitch.

Read above. Have his father in law buy the house.

Alastair bought the house next to Lionel and Jean in As Time Goes By, an English comedy whose shoes MF isn't worthy of licking.

Baba Wawa will do anything for money. Anything. Any………..thing.