
Absolutely. Don Dimello sees it as it is. Isn't it a shame the American audience and the Emmys don't.

Oh good heavens no. The music is on a par with TD, but the actors and the acting and the writing and the storyline and the sets and the excessive gore and everything but the music are a 'C' to TD's 'A+'.

And the fake backdrops of Boardwalk Empire. The next big thing on a pay channel station. Clever, the pay cable stations.

“I hate you. [Pause.] I don’t hate you. I just hate my life. And my life is you.”

It was okay until House the ass drove through the window of his gf's house when her kid might have been in the path of the car.

I guess the reviewer missed the stint of Lindhome and Micucci on BBT.

Not sure what the other show was, but did you see them on the unfunny BBT? They weren't very good, and it seems they are really good actors.

Wow…………………..you found someone who was on an old moronic game show in 2001. WOW…………………………find someone who was on Queen For A Day and then I'll read your article.


Finally. Someone who tells the truth.

Not in any meaningful role. That's best left to the men folk, dontcha know.

Good choice of words - 'down'.

Will it be skinny Vince Vaughan or fat Vince Vaughan? NO one is as fat as the fat Jon Favreau, so even a fat Vince Vaughan is better than a fat Jon Favreau.

Who cares.

>>>>>>>those appending “Who?” to his name

Claim to fame - I saw Frank Gifford, face sandblasted by plastic surgery, wheeling Ted Williams in rehab, he whose head is frozen in New Jersey, waiting for Armageddon.

He's taking the pills Ernest Borgnine left behind.

You know more wine went into her than into that glass, don't you?

(Trust me, I'm a real geek, Software, hardware and so much more)

Couldn't agree more.