
Wait, what? I have to google the guy's resume to find out why a horrid ugly little show is funny?

Off topic? Not at all. I don't think British or UK shows are inherently superior, but compared to American network crap, they are superior, in the majority. Vicious and Last Tango In Halifax are uniquely dreadful, but I can't find as many UK shows as are on all three American networks for seven days in the week that

It wasn't overhyped. Remember, Vicious is on this list, so consider the source.

You hit the nail on the head.

I agree on Vicious, I don't watch Looking. I am puzzled by Mr. Nowalk choosing this over, oh I don't know, a commercial for Imodium.

Nope, it does not translate well for American audiences with a brain. We with a brain agree with the British media and the British public. I don't know WHAT show Brandon Nowalk was watching, but it wasn't this tripe fest. If it was, poor him.

Irony? No, just a shit idea.

The 'world'?

You're wrong.

You're right. There was recently an article in - can't remember - which posited, correctly, that Americans are willing to look at any UK television and wonder if what they are seeing is better than any other American show simply because it is from the UK.

It's the worst of the worst, the absoLUTE worst of the worst. Up until then, I was cutting the article some slack, even if they think Fargo is the second coming of christ, but Vicious is the single worst show, gay themed or not, I have ever seen. The young actor who insists on being on the show - and whom the audience

Vicious? You're mad.

I agree. She's the best actor on the show.

Individual Achievement in Drama: Matthew McConaughey, True Detective (HBO)

I'm not a big "everything was better back then" type,

Amen again.

Oh, and I am old enough and lucky enough to have seen him in Maverick, when it first aired.


Natural causes. Um, yeah, okay. He has survived since 2008 after a serious stroke.

Isn't Yahoo saving it, as they did Community?