
Hey! No one chose Ricky Gervais' hilarious show Derek which the assholes at the Emmys nominated for something or other because they are fucking assholes?

Why? Is it a M*A*S*H or is it a fun hilarious romp in the military where no one gets their legs blown to pieces and comes back as a stump and convinces the drooling troglodyte morons in the American audience to sign up for the real military and get their legs and arms blown off?

Interesting. I knew Fargo wouldn't come close to the movie, so I didn't even bother. Then I saw all the love and slobbering over it, and like the Kevin Spacey House Of Cards, knew the audience drank the Kool Aid because they were desperate for decent television and discounted both shows. Thank you for your honesty.

Best Use Of Water Displacement - Louie


True Detective. It will win all the Emmys. If the Emmys recognized the best of the best, which they don't. So who knows. It won't be as good next season.

That's a quilt. Todd made it before he left.

Now David Lynch, there's someone I would pay to see.

The one on the left looks like Raj's gf.

Wow, what a shame. He looks so……….talented.

Good thing it wasn't a hyperbolic chamber, no one would have believed her.

Because some clever crook knew yuppies would pay to be buried alive?

And…………….PAYING for the privilege.

Nope. Then there'd be no stupid bitch posing with beautiful dead animals.

You're joking, right?

Zuckerberg is everywhere.

You 'might' be right - :O)

Ah, yes, the Laramie theme, written by Hoagy Carmichael. I have it in my head right this minute.

Westerns - the only shows allowed in toto in our house by our dictatorial father on our one television. With the exception of Gunsmoke, he hated Gunsmoke. No soaps, no comedies other than The Dick Van Dyke Show, and not much of anything else I can recall.

Is she? Good for her.