
Horrific character. Would have made a perfect pedophile.

Quite true. They were…..icky.

Jennifer Keishin Armstrong is working on a history of Seinfeld,

Big Bang Theory, you mean?

You said it.

>>>>>>>I'd go so far as to say that Ebert was the Hemingway of film criticism.

Wow. If there's someone of whom I don't want to see more, it's Roger Ebert.

Isn't it BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that plastic face dinosaur Joan Rivers walked out on a CNN interview? Isn't that BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here?

Molly, here's a show you might like that features your town, it's quirky, outrageous, funny and unrecognized: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

Didn't noted murderer already get his day of press on the anniversary of his murders? Do we have to look at his filthy murdering face again?

Nice. Last I knew, that word meant 'suitcase', the trunk version they used to bring on ships in the 1930s, which now can house a dead body or a homeless person's entire life.

Okay, so he's an ass, and he was a poser on his show, but MAN FINDS FOOD?

Brody was hanged. Surprise!

Well, he'd, like, seriously do best to, like, NOT read Sarah Silverman's interview with Whitney Cummings or, like, his Grammatical head will explode.

Only in America.

You're right. Plus, I hated, hated, hated the haircut.

Hmmmm, I'm just a cynical old curmudgeon, but haven't kids heard all the words by now?

Nah. The lead guy was ugly as a bucket of spit.

Why? According to something I heard recently, fuck is the state word of New Yawk.

Awwwww, cute idea. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky we got a decent finale, and not some fucking Lumberjacking shit.