
Cute finale. If they were capable of this, why were the oh so many recent seasons shit on a cracker?

Yes. Yes, he does.

>>>>>>Levon was a horrendous character

Thriving? Is she……..isn't she……….is she…………isn't she………is…………

>>>>>I can't recall what any of it was about since Season Two

Now 'that' would have been cool.

But still no DNA test for Hank and Levon?

You can't. It's an illusion.

18 minutes????? NO thanks.

They pray to a guy who makes believe he is god and wear white shirts.

Speaking of final seasons, and wishing Nurse Jackie was in hers, I assume no one is watching Californication anymore.

Ed Sullivan made a fortune pronouncing 'show' as 'shoe'.

MeMeMeMeMeMeMe…………….brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. What a thought. SJP and TD in the same sentence.

It's a cookbook - How To Serve Man.

But everyone watching it made it more than it was even though Nic warned everyone not to do so, because he didn't plan on the nutjob audience obsession with every little detail THE YELLOW KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that had nothing to do with anything.

There you go, now you can buy your Big Mac.

>>>>>>>Why the insistence of pointing out a "winner" by making a fight between the shows.

True Detective.

Leno is laughing all the way to the bank.

If she were a man, would she still be an asshole and abrasive?