
I love 'Girls', even when it's batshit, but no one, no one, NO ONE, wears a bathing suit sans at least a sarong skirt.

Good thing he's rich.

Oh, and Louie CK? Next time you're even thinking of approaching the 'fat girl isn't worthy of love and sex but you'll be magnanimous and hold her hand' bullshit storyline? Take a trip to Bloomingdale's, take off your clothes in the dressing room, and take a good look at yourself in the full view mirror.

Yeah, it was rape. The show just decided to ignore it in the finale.


And she's not just a vagina with a face, she's a producer.

Kansas, Toto.

>>>>>>>FX was allowing only one 'fuck' per night

Nope, not just you.

If parents find kids smoking pot, are they really that understanding?

I know, right?

I thought the season uneven. Last week, though, it was drop on the floor funny, and this week was gold, though not as funny as last week.

Go watch Big Bang Theory, that's more your speed.


How'd you guess? You be smart.

Can he also not act, or speak, or stand in front of an audience, like his brother James?

Judas Priest, I was so focused on JLD and Jim, that I don't remember Amy.

Darn, the teacher, eh? Phillip would have made the perfect drug dealer.

Same here. The man is a genius, and he should be grateful for that compliment from me, since he dabbles in rape storylines.

Yes, yes it is. I'm guessing the late great Mr. Hoffman was on his mind.