
That was a fantasy?

True. When in fact the smart move would have been to divorce anyway and have joint custody. And then they did it again, having learned nothing.

Hurricane stuff is brilliant. David Lynchian brilliant.

Really, no one on the line:

Window switch - down - push.

Sooooo true. He must have FIOS, which has the worst customer service in the world.

I agree. I wish it were on a pay channel, since even On Demand, the weasels at FIOS include the commercials.

—————-That child actor is amazing.

Was that cool, or what?

Cool, sounds like a great place. Expensive, I'm guessing?

Thank you! I found 'chub' on R&D's website, but herring is something I can get locally. I hope it was smoked? It looked wonderful.

Wow. That's awful.

———————Sadly, no one nominated the Dexter finale.


I hated Gloria's dress.

—————The butterflies attacking in the car was funny.

>>>>>Can anything stop these man-eaters before it’s too late?”

According to Vulture, it was a fart app. Is FX really that giant a douche that they would edit the farts? Was it intentional that the fat guy had his cursing edited out?

What kind of fish was that?

Oh, didn't realize. Thanks.