
All true. So sad. Especially #6. She's a pathetic embarrassment to women everywhere.

You didn't lose a thing in translation. You're spot on, the show is horrid and the characters are pathetic blobs.

SO TRUE! Shamey was the end of the show. But Lorre is greedy. He knows the show isn't funny, doesn't have to try anymore, and knows that people will still watch, witness Dexter. People are creatures of habit and Lorre is laughing all the way to the bank.

HAH, did they? So Lorre is not only skating with the show, he is giving us all the finger and daring us to walk away.

Yes, they are pandering to the lowest common denominator, and raking in the dough.

Yes, Sheldon is now written as an asshole. A self centered, narcissistic asshole whom people seem to like, for some reason. Sadly, Amy is now written as a moron when she used to be an intelligent woman.

Yup. Like meatloaf and mashed potatoes, only not as good tasting, this show is like comfort food. But you can always throw your meatloaf and mashed potatoes to the dog, the dog would throw this show back.

Raj had sex with Penny.

So? Get help. Or get off the air.

Good summation.

Two words - Chuck Lorre.

It did suck. They've beat that poor dead horse into powder. What in the holy hell they're going to do with 3 more years (then again, look at 2-1/2 schmucks) is beyond me.

Awwwww, aren't you sweet.

I used to think the formula was a good one, and when they began the Shamy garbage, they ruined a good thing. Now, since the writers have completely obliterated the Sheldon of the first few seasons, when he wasn't a narcissistic prick (I was going to say 'pig', but that would be an insult to pigs everywhere), you're

You're right, of course.

Nope, the writers are idiots, so he can't.

You said it, the seasons only get worse, and since CBS is going to suck this teat dry, it will go on for HOW many more years?

AMy stopped thinking like a rational person when she began to enable Sheldon the narcissist.

Because after all, a rocket scientist couldn't pay the rent on his apartment all by his widdle self and live alone.

Funniest mohel ever: