
How about the schlimazels?

You stole my line! Topo Gigio and Myron Cohen and Victor Borge. Ah, the good old, old, old days.

Such a stretch.

Oy gevalt.

Where does RB go from here? Ro and Satan set up house? She tells the kid how she met his father? Gee, I'm really sorry I don't watch this steaming load.

But this is the same America that loves and adores loud mouthed boobs on faux competitions and faux reality shows.

You just described every single faux reality show watched by moronic Americans for the last decade, or longer, dog help us.

>>>>>>Once Amy was introduced it mutated into the exact sitcom everyone makes fun of it for being. Mostly just crap.

Very early on, yes. Before there was a (shudder) Shamy. Back when Amy had balls and Sheldon was asexual.

And has the same plastic surgeon as Joan Rivers.


Thanks all. This all makes me sad.

Fuck Louie. Rewatch Veep, it's hilarious. Plus JLD is hot, which is good news for all you fat haters out there.

You're right. To imply otherwise is stupid.

Plus it's got everyone talking.

I love that your user name is Lasagna.

Bingo. And then she settles for a pity date. Shame on her.

'Prettier'? So fat equals 'not pretty'?

Unless you're fat and rich. Then the world is your oyster.