

Perhaps he and Oliver can co-host a new show, since they'll both be out of work soon.

It's actually used correctly! Who in the hell would have thought Teamsters Local 399 Hollywood had a brain?


I know, that was a tough one to guess.

Has the moronic show with the no-talent bum Robin Williams been cancelled?

The writers strike that, coincidentally, ended in the same year that the then moronic president financially melted down the country.

Be sure to buy some of her Super Shake. She hawks it on her website.

You're describing the Kardashian sluts.

But a threesome is okay?

And pay for them, and pay for them, and pay for them…………..

Absolutely. Completely intent on the sandwich, after all it WAS his lunch hour, basically ignoring Louie, and essentially telling him nothing to help him with his back, leaving the receptionist to offer up some help.

Your dad was very smart.

Shit peppered with more shit and the occasional shot of Johnnie Walker Blue.

Hah…….yes please. A Woody Allen movie written by and starring all three of them, minus Ray Bradbury because he's dead and would stink up the set. The drunk man - why not a drunk woman? - can still edit it.


Seriously? What else is Louie the show about if not making the audience feel what he is going through?

Whoa, there are morals in the Louie show?

I hope she donated that very expensive dress which she recklessly dumped in the sand.

Were you worried one of the rotten kids was going to steal her carriage?