
What happened to Charles Grodin? No, I don't mean the fact that he looks like hell.

Not bad. I don't hate it.

I hope FX has On Demand on the overpriced FIOS. I don't do commercials, I don't do live because of the commericals, and I won't pay extra for a DVR.

He can't top: "Elevator temporarily stairs".

Chris already did it.

Damn, never heard of him before. Glad he still lives on You Tube.

You weren't kidding. Hilarious. Perfect for every moron I've ever come across in a supermarket. Only they wouldn't get it.

Holy crap that's funny.

Geoff Peterson.

Spy is currently running on PBS, and it's a true cluster fuck. Poor Robert Lindsay, apparently needing money so badly he agreed to participate.

Catch him at the beginning of 'Garden State' (he is not in the rest of the picture). Yes, he was excellent in 'Harvey'. You can see 'The Normal Heart' on May 25th on HBO.

Sue studying on the dining room table, bothered by Axl lifting whatever it was he was lifting.

So senior citizens and young men? Sounds like a wonderful movie.

Wish I could remember him in it. I can't.

Amen. Cruise is a hack, or a 'star', take your pick.

Cute kid. She woulda make a good Milli. Or a better Vanilli.

Because America doesn't have any geniuses or living saints?

So you're across the pond then? I still can't get my head wrapped around the fact that Sir Bruce Forsyth* is just now leaving television.

True, but that's been happening since The Twilight Zone and The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show went off the air.

Plus he's old, has a hot wife, is clean and sober, and will now be a boring game show host, like the 'way too skinny he was better looking when he was fat' Carey.