
Ahhh. They did what, exactly? I thought the voice was different, but at times it still sounded like Peterson.

Your loss.

Not to plotz, Michelle. Yiddish is not native to much of anyone in the U.S. today.

How about oy gevalt? She's verklempt?

>>>>>>>I was really *tootsi-frootsi* sad to hear about this.

You left out all the visual graphic bleeping to @*#*%, @##*#$*#, @#$$*#ity, $:*&%%Y&#*#, $##*#*#*#*#*, and $#*#*%#$*$*$, $#*#Y#&#&#&#, #$&#$&##sucking #U&$#%#&$#&, #$&#$&#&#&#&#$&, $#&*#$&#$&#.

>>>>>He likely wasn’t a great fit for Letterman’s job, as the late-night game
is increasingly about drawing younger viewers, and that’s often been
his biggest weakness, ratings-wise.

I thought the biggest interruption on the planet in the history of the world was the Heidi Game incident, involving NBC coverage of a game involving the Oakland Raiders and the New York Jets on November 17, 1968.

Ah, so that's where this BS came from: "….adding urgency and stakes that were sorely lacking in much of seasons one and two. "

I couldn't agree more, LPA. "Sorely lacking"? What the hell? NO, what the fuck?

Hey AV Club, looks like your choice for an article went over like a bag of shit on fire.

>>>>>>>Plus, really, this is an odd article for the AV Club.

Too many words, and fuck vegan.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA………………………fucking brilliant.

Amazing. AV Club the sellouts.

Seriously? Is this suddenly the Food Network?

Pie In The Sky at number 64 High Street in the Old Town in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. For some shepherd's pie and warm wine. Do they chill wine in Hertfordshire? Sadly, Chef Henry Crabbe is dead.

Bet he'll get his own reality show.

Depends. Was the CGI the shit coming out of the dog or on the floor?

Sounds hilarious.