
@Cochese 2.0: If by using rape as a metaphor you mean the way my wallet feels after a trip to WholeFoods then I agree with the definition.

@Loonm: I reference this bit more than anything else he's done. Self-interest masquerading as liberal altruism. Win.

On the plus side, I make money from the incompetence of others.

@Yeah!: According to Aziz Ansari it'll be "crisp".

@AgentRockstar: It'll be chocolate something, that's for sure. Eww...

@Arken: The guy is clearly schizophrenic if you've watched the youtube videos. I'm sure what ever he feels about it has absolutely no connection to reality.

@ichiban1081: He'd do more to your poop then just scare it...

Zero sCool

@cxwong: How is this gross? Are mummies too gross also?

@ReticulatedJig: A FREE pack of gum and soda. Yes I will spend the time filling out and mailing a form for free soda and gum.

@DeeDawg: Glass dildo or bong mishap or a combo of the two?

@CubemonkeyNYC: The question is do you live in a borough other than Manhattan. My street in Queens was still unplowed this morning, despite what the mayor claims.

@MaWeiTao: It's called job security. Those same hand fisted oafs then repave the street in the spring and summer.

@mtfmuffins: who the hell doesn't like freckles? When I see a naked woman the absolute last thing I'm thinking of are her moles and/or freckles.

I had a cyclist crash into me in the city and then proceed to violently curse at me about how I wasn't watching where I was going. I didn't argue because in a bike and car accident the car will never win that argument. Needless to say, the guy was your typical hardcore biker tool. I pulled over to see if he was okay.

@NyQuilDreams: See someone else's post about slacktivism but while their heart is in the right place I think this is counterproductive in a way. You push a button, have some lulz, and go back to playing COD and you've effectively done nothing nor have you extended or inconvenienced yourself in anyway in order to