
@theorieofself: I feel the need to clarify your point slightly for the tl;dr crowd. Chomsky is not saying wikileaks is a psy-op. I know you're not saying that but it could be inferred from your post. I don't believe he thinks this is a government conspiracy, but rather it is illuminating the conspiracy of government

@KamWrex: Excellent new vocab word and very true. This is very much like the changing your facebook profile pic to combat child abuse thing. It's an easy way to pat yourself on the back without doing anything of value. I think technology has really ruined activism in some ways, actually IRL social networking. Then

Gives me even more faith in eye witness testimony...

@anitesh.jaswal: I use paypal too, often. And I'm fine with them getting messed with to prove a point. Opinions are like assholes and yours is just as stinky as mine.

@Schmearcampain: The basic plot and plot twist archetypes are super super played out. No, obviously I'm not a mind reader, but the minutia was not very exciting when you can pretty much guess how it's all going to play out. Seemed like they came up with the concept first and then tried to string together a script to

@Calrekabooki: It's funny how wealth redistribution is dirty word yet it happens constantly, but only in the upward direction. Our "democracy" facilitates this. I'm not familiar with most of the people on this list but Milken is a shining example of a major league crook.

@rathat: It's really hard to pick up sarcasm on the interwebs sometimes...

What's sad about this to me is that the actions by anonymous only give idiots even more reason to have an unthinking knee-jerk reaction to Wikileaks. There is a VERY good possibility that anonymous has no communication with Wikileaks. They are known for doing whatever they want whenever they want. All of you who are

It was a team effort but I think many of the commentators here worked hard for this award today. Enjoy it. You earned it.

Am I the only one that was bored to death by this? The "twist" was pretty obvious from the outset and the theme of the brilliant detective troubled by the death of a lover is played out to all hell. Leo did much the same in Shutter Island.

@Canoehead: Yup, I'm sure lots of people are willing to risk career and life because it's "cool".

@Canoehead: The last part was ironic correct?

@taur_4: Dude, I love hip hop. Love it. And Kanye is garbage. Guys like Kanye are what have killed hip hop. This is pop music, not hip hop. Leagues ahead of whom, 50 cent and the rest of the radio goons? Go listen to some DJ Premier and tell me Kanye is leagues ahead of him.

Gtasks? Doesn't get simpler.

In case anyone's interested in further reading on china and cyber espionage. [www.newyorker.com]

@crazypills77: Well, not everyone would feel the same as you. Aside from modesty, it might violate some people's religious beliefs. Also, yes these images are blurry, but it proves the point that this tech, in general, is wide open for abuse.

One guy in Sweden apparently can't be anywhere near anything electronic anymore after working in the industry. Who knows, interesting though.

I don't know if anyone else feels this way but I don't really come here for the articles, particularly because of articles like this. What keeps me coming back is the humorous and surprisingly even handed and rational commentators. I feel a bit more optimistic about the world every time I read someone's comments that

@filecabinet20036: Giz should require it's writers to read this before posting: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. "