
@Zanshin: No shit man. I got pulled over going a couple miles over the limit at the entrance to Deal's Gap in TN where as soon as you could see the speed limit sign the cops where there ready to tag you. It was an obvious revenue stream for them, taxing out-of-staters for driving their road.

I got pulled over in queens in the last week of july for a seatbelt violation. It was a situation where there's no way the cop could have seen if my seatbelt was on or not. He was a block down on my passenger side when I was making a left turn. I saw 3 other people get pulled over on the same block while sitting there

@aec007: Seeing as how the expect us to read their minds now they would probably approve of this as well.

@strays2k: totally worth getting rabies for

@Chewbenator: bump key...master locks are the shittiest locks on the planet.

Nobody's heard of a friggin bump key? It takes literally two seconds to bump a lock. And it works on 90% of locks out there. And you can buy the keys online for cheap.

@Bluecold: Am I the only one who lol'd at that video?

@wætherman: This has been my experience as well. In fact the ony city I've been in that calculates by distance is D.C.

@eucrow: My brother is like this. He will kill every electronic thing he owns in short order. Mp3 players, watches, cell phones, laptops. It's actually rediculous.

@Nitesh Singh: For realz, but Bear Grylls is better entertainment.

@BeyondtheTech: I think I'd rather take a hammer to my nuts then see another Eli Roth film. He's developed the same self love that stops me from being able to get through a Tarrantino movie without vomitting.

@ru486: I'd rather take a beating than give up my rights, personally.

@tw@t: Unfortunately you're not wrong. Three quarters of the cops in my hometown are guys I went to school with. One hundred percent of those were the dumbest bullies in the school.

Wow *cough, cough* good for him, *passes spliff*

@Spanone: Thank you, this was my first thought as well.

@freecks: Get a fucking dictionary. I'm so sick of socialism getting a bad rap because conservatives throw around the term without bothering to find out what it actually means. If you want to use any slanderous terms to describe the state of our political system at least call it fascism. It's a hell of a lot closer to

What I never understand is if it doesn't harm you personally why do you care and what business is it of yours? If a couple of dudes want to tie the knot it will not effect my life one bit. The only reason that someone not gay would care is religious or moral reasons but that's moot when it comes to the

@Rodsman: define "burn anything" please

@xsbs: I've heard you can just go to China and pay someone to get you a visa and bring you over. A friend and I are considering this.