
that kind of rules, though

That’s why these are the only acceptable RVs ever made...

I for one would be ecstatic if there were less unattentive people driving appliances on the road.

60% that they make some...10% they make any significant number....0% the company is around at the end of the lease term

I’ll believe it when I see it. As of now, Fisker has no established supply chain, no manufacturing facility, and no dealer network. Just more vaporware from the KING of vaporware. It’s alot harder to build an automotive startup then just renting office space in a WeWork

Press F to pay respects to cancelled 1313.

To my knowledge, they aren’t using hub motors at each wheel, its inbound motor and gearbox pairs with half-shafts to the wheels for long suspension travel.

This has quad electric motors at the wheels. It will work on dry pavement.

That was probably a sterling example of GM’s GM-ness, wasn’t it? An excellent feature that made a huge difference for people who used it, barely marketed and then killed unceremoniously. 

But you know this thing has more than enough torque to pull this off on pavement and just shred rubber. ;)

google tells me quadrasteer was actual changes in the wheel angles for both front and rear. This Rivian thing is just driving the wheels on one side of the truck in the forward direction and the other side in the reverse direction, thus spinning the car in the mud...which is key, because on pavement there would be too

That’s turning the vehicle around in 2 vehicle lengths.

This car would be useless for us.  I work from home, and my wife’s job is in fact only 5 miles away (admittedly there is 1300 ft of vertical climb in that distance). So sure, for her commute that’s fine.  But that is NOT what most of our driving encompasses. Usually once a week we drive the kids over to my in-laws,

For most buyers with “buy a new car” money, they would get $7500 of that back

Plus you need to factor in the battery degradation by the time you are changing cars.

You’re right it’s a city car. It works for you and a few others. There’s a tiny market for these. Why are they doing it is the question.

For you, EV with a 200 mile range will barely make it in cold weather. Nothing close to a reliable daily driver.

Just bike that. Why drive?

Whenever an EV comes out with a sub-200 mile range, some people pan it, and others inevitably say something like “But the average daily commute is only X miles…”.

This is why people buy Teslas.