Bill Patterson

The DNC is trying to teach a mob of privileged, entitled, “get a trophy for showing up”, spoiled European-American white boys that

You got that right! Especially Blitzer, he’s a total corporate whore.

“What a precious, entitled, vacuous tool that guy is.” That’s beautiful! You nailed his sorry ass!

Great review! One question: Can Superman fly faster than the speed of light?

You got that right about the electoral college. You’re the first person to note the similarity. And SCOTUS used that loophole to ignore Gore’s popular vote victory in 2000. That certainly worked out just fabulously.

“Somewhere nearby, Ted Cruz is slowly crab-walking to his time-out closet, where he will spend the evening eating ice cubes in a hair shirt.”

In my opinion, Ed Walker has made many bad calls since he came into the NFL. I’m not an expert on NFL rules, but I’ve watched him get many goal line plays wrong. Also, I’ve noticed that he’s very quick to throw his flag, that he can be goaded by players into calling a penalty and that he seems to lack self-confidence
