
Why are you running web browsers in full screen on a large monitor? The purpose of doing this isn't to get One Large Window, but more desktop space to open more windows within one display. Properly sized, you will not get wasted whitespace within any individual program window regardless of the size of the monitor,

I can't be the only one who is getting tired of the constant stream of forced puns that clog the comment section of this website.

it's just funny how Americans are freaking out over a group stage game

Can we drop the use of words like "moral" and "immoral"? Who the fuck decides which is which? There is neither morality nor immorality, both of which presuppose the existence of some rule or code governing conduct. All actions are a-moral. You could simply have written: "Baseball's war on drugs is a shitshow."

Hype is not as you make it seem. When a game is hyped and it doesn't live up to the hype ( even if its good ) it will get torn to pieces, not praised. Look at D3, Battlefield 4, ect ect. The list of games that were good but didn't live up to the hype is insanely long. The reason TLoU is a huge success is because it

Here is a man of taste.

You're just an outlier far left on the distribution curve. HDMI is a minimum requirement now, not a drawback.

Awesome. Always loved his spidey stuff.

Regardless to your claims of being human and flawed, keep up the good work! The positive vibe starting with the lifehacker staff and on to the community really helps me make it through the day, and I can't imagine I'm alone on that.


I kind of disagree. This looks equally shitty to the first three, but with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs do, scientifically, make everything better.

I mean, it's shit. But let's do the math:
Marc Walberg > Shia Lebeuff
Dinosaurs > No Dinosaurs
therefor Shit + Marc Walberg + Dinosaurs > Shit + Shia Lebeuff.

It's science.

Finally, another article on Richard Sherman!

0 turnovers.

Didn't Deuce Bigalow preceed this show by a few years, at least?

You forgot to add in: "pedophile", "pornified", and "I do it for myself".

Sick reference, bro. Your references are off the hook.

Sherman : Deadspin :: Tebow: ESPN