
I’m ashamed to admit I had only a couple of years of Latin (and went through a phase in undergrad of tattooing my favorite maxims onto my body). I wish I’d spent more time with it.

I’m conversant in continental Spanish, can get by in German, and am slowly learning Russian, but it’s an uphill slog. I learned most of my

The fact that most of our present students don’t even know what WW II was fought over says more than I have the heart to countenance right now.

My general approach is to give them the piece without preamble or explanation and assign it as a reading for the following class period.

...generally speaking, most of them will come back with “I couldn’t understand the words he was using.”

Every now and again, I’ll get one who understands the main thrust, but has some


“I think” is generally used to signal the utterance of an opinion. The remainder of the paragraph that phrase began included the idea that you felt I believed my students to be “brainwashed” (a value loaded term that implies I believe they’re being forced to think a specific way) because they do not think the way

So how does this negate the “mentally disturbed” part?

I definitely appreciate the vote of confidence. Rest assured that the man more or less matches the legend—which can only be a bad thing, I assume.

No newsletter; my love of the sound of my own voice is generally confined to the Gawker-verse of sites. ;)

I like you so much right now. I’m 20 years past my college graduation and would sign up for your class right now.

I started watching when I was in middle school (probably late night SciFi channel reruns) and it’s still my favorite show of all time. Just an amazing piece of cultural history.

What would you like to debate?

How long before people start ironically wearing the t-shirt?

I suspect that most Fox News viewers won’t learn the real story. And that’s precisely why Trump gets to stay in office. In the alternate reality where Fox News doesn’t exist, Trump got impeached years ago for profiting off the presidency.

“Debate me about eating babies, or you’re a baby eater!”

“to be fair, I’m not all that fond of kids in general”...they’re not too bad with a bit of mayonnaise.  

I wonder if they see the irony in spreading falsehoods about eating children for the environment’s sake when the goal of environmentalism is to leave a better world for the children.

What I don’t get is that this PAC of whackos has stood up and proudly claims responsibility for...staging a stupid troll disruption? Way to go folks - you are classy and intelligent like Trump himself.

Um..... *whispers* because it’s literally my job

They seem to think the real scandal is that AOC didn’t berate a woman who appeared mentally unwell.

Needless to say, the MAGA chuds on Twitter got indignant over AOC having failed to push for not eating babies.

I teach A Modest Proposal every semester in Rhet/Comp 100, primarily as a vehicle for teaching satire—and also because I figure most of my students encountered it in some form in high school, and therefore will be relatively comfortable with it as an introductory text.

Once, years ago, a student took the piece to mean I

Seriously. Nobody in their right mind is a LaRouche supporter. I’ve known about these guys since W was in office 🙄