Look, Reinsdorf is terrible, as he has always been, and Gar Foreman is a crazy person who tried give Vinny Del Negro the Diamond Cutter.
Look, Reinsdorf is terrible, as he has always been, and Gar Foreman is a crazy person who tried give Vinny Del Negro the Diamond Cutter.
I’m not saying he is or he isn’t, but if you told me that Duncan Keith is a robot sent back from the future, I wouldn’t be super surprised.
Having watched him for so many years now I was starting to take Dunc for granted until these playoffs when he reminded me why he is easily one of my favorite players in the NHL.
Hey, it can’t be as bad as last year.
Has anyone else gotten sick of scandals taking on the “-gate” suffix? It just annoys the shit out of me and I think what does it is the fact that Watergate didn’t have a fucking thing to do with water. Stop using this goddamn suffix!
If they streamed this live, it would definitely pull 20 million viewers; at least this would be much more fun, relevant, and competitive than the Pro Bowl.
This really, really stupid advice helped me lose 30 pounds: Don’t buy anything bad. When I went grocery shopping, I didn’t buy any pop or any snacks that were ready to eat. If I wanted to eat something, I had to make it. Instead of stuffing my face from a chip bag, I had to make something, which meant prep and clean…
Cutting back your protein is pretty silly. You know how many calories are in 3 ounces of chicken breast? Like 120. So just eat your 6 ounces. You’ll be better off than if you cut it out. And do some resistance training!
Your diet sounds so incredibly boring. No oil? No butter? No dairy of any kind? Salmon and chicken almost every day with the same veg? Fuck man, there are way tastier ways to lose weight. You don’t have to eat like that, it just makes it harder because it’s so fucking boring.
more like roger badell.
Do you guys have some focus group results that suggests people outside your office care as much about Bill Simmons as you all apparently do?
Shut up
The Patriots did in fact not win a Super Bowl entirely through cheating - instead they merely cheated on their way to winning a Super Bowl.
Thanks for clearing that up, I’m sure everyone was confused.
Appeared to be coated in a tacky substance and seemed spongy or soft when squeezed.
I want this to become a thing. Just a general expression of rage at another person with a slight promise of revenge. “Excuse me, are you going through the ten items or less line with 50 cans of cat food? Fuckin Watermelons Comin”
Could be a little of A and a little of B. Don't know either way; just thought it was an interesting thing to note.
Forte has had himself run into the ground and while he might have rumbled about contract or playing time, he has never held out or skipped games unless it was because of a major injury.
I don’t know what’s the bigger joke, the Raiders with a gold jersey or the Raiders in the same picture as the Super Bowl logo.