
I really wish those in the wheelchairs would just ever-so-slightly take advantage of their situation to further bring out the obsurdity of police action. Like, “you’re gonna have to catch me copper,” and then proceed to roll on out as an attempt to escape.

Some things that would actually help make Obamacare better:

Remember, the bill they are pushing is not really a healthcare reform, but a tax cut for themselves and healthcare repeal.

Of course Medicaid spending is going to grow every year, you Agent Coulson-dipped-in-battery-acid-looking motherfucker. Healthcare costs are rising on the macro level, and enrollment will continue to rise as long as we have population growth and as long as you and your Republican brethren do everything in your power

“invitation only” town hall meeting. What a disgrace.

Those neighbors are awfully righteous for people whose fences are made out of dildos.

And yet, it’s still all the blue states that pay more into federal taxes than they take unlike the South and Midwest. I’m thinking that that Erik Erikson guy had a good idea with liberal vs. conservative secession. Let those dicks try and pay for their own welfare.

I expected something like this. Their goal is to gut Medicaid entirely, and letting the states try and make up the difference won’t smother the program. So the states will be forced to follow their horrid plan to cap benefits.

Christ on a rollercoaster! That is some PREMEDITATED evil, right there. Going out of their way to punish densely populated states who take care of their taxpayers.

Among other things, I just learned from another article that 2/3rds of nursing home residents rely on Medicaid. Truly, the Christian GOP is going out of its way to help the least among us with TrumpCare gutting $800-900 billion of its funding.

Wonderful protest, especially by individuals who often have a very difficult time getting visibility.

Pollock, without qualification, appears to be on both lists.

SK does have a lot to say in the matter, they basically decide if we strike NK because they would bear the consequences of a retaliatory strike by NK. Otherwise, missiles would’ve hit NK missile development facilities a while ago.

You know ... the US could save a lot of money by pulling out of South Korea, Germany, etc... The South Korean Armed Forces are quite capable and well-armed. Not sure why we’re still in Europe either - Russia can’t afford the fuel and ammo it would take to mount a credible attack.

I’ve worried how Trump would use the North Korean situation to help build his credibility. With this election of Moon Jae-in, it is now likely Trump can’t do that. So he only has the Middle East to rattle sabres and act like the big leader - not nearly the heroics he hoped for with North Korea. So today, there’s more

“left spluttering”...

There’s a joke in here somewhere about “going from RUNning a government to RUINing one in the blink of an I,” but I don’t have the wherewithal at the moment to put it together.

You wouldn’t hire a writer or a librarian if your intent was to burn books, you’d hire an illiterate.

A member of the cabinet, such as Secretary Chao, is not a lawmaker. That would be members of Congress. The executive branch executes the laws Congress passes, by promulgating regulations, usually after lots of input from the public and industry. Thankfully, regulations tend to be written by non-political, career civil

This is the necessary outcome of electing a party who believes that government is incompetent. They will fill the government with incompetent dunces in order to fulfill their own prophecy.